Monday, September 8, 2008


Recently, while perusing Google Analytics. I was compelled to look at the section that details where all of the people who look at my blog live. I was surprised to find that a good portion of recent visits had come from Buffalo, New York. I don't know anyone who lives there, and I cannot think of a compelling reason that an average Buffaloan would read my blog. Therefore, I have come to this conclusion: I have a celebrity stalker. This is not to say that I consider myself a celebrity. Rather, my stalker IS a celebrity. I looked up a list of famous people from Buffalo. That's when it all clicked into place. I've often spoken of my distaste for CNN's Wolf Blitzer. I find him vaguely annoying and can't stand to watch him for more than a few minutes. I've said this aloud many times, but little did I know that it would get back to him. Alas, it did, and now I have a Wolf problem. I'm sure he's reading up on me and plotting his revenge, sitting in his Situation Room, wringing his hands in anticipation, waiting for the right time to strike.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This seems reasonable...